Thursday 9 June 2011

cybercation in Swaziland. Can it really help uplift our ailing economy?

hi there. let me first take time to welcome you to this blog. Well the main focus of is on cybercation and especiaccly the World Wide Web; what it means, how it has developed and evolved, but most importantly w'll discuss it with reference to Africa and Swaziland.
well debate mostly on how principles of human develoment can be used in conjuction with economic principles to better shape our cyberworld and use at as  one of the gate ways to economic and human liberation.
 your comments are moslty welcome and keep your eyes on this space for more intriguing and exciting info and develoments. 
 see an attachment of one of the m,any article s to come in the nxt page.
You can follow the series of articles every weekend in the Swazi Weekend Observer;  check out the business pages.
you can also send in your tweeets @eSWATINI CYBER.

will chat again later.

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